It's been a while since I've posted an update, largely because the last couple of months have been super busy with the end of winter in New Zealand; filming the Winter Games for Kinetic Media and finishing up season 10 of Diaries Downunder.

For the last three weeks I've been in Sydney prepping and filming in Buenos Aires for the 2018 Youth Olympic Games. To say it's been a one of my career highlights would be an understatement. My role here has been shooting/directing/editing content for Swisse Australia and the Australian Olympic Team under Pursekey Productions.
It's been an absolute pleasure working with the AOT and meeting all their athletes. It also gave me the chance to catch up with Australian skateboarder, Noah Fuzi whom I hadn't seen in 4 years. He fronted the Swisse social media content and helped with producing on location. Also a big shout out to our driver Fernando and his father who took us wherever we needed to go and who were also an incredible help in producing the Swisse content. Local knowledge cannot be underestimated in foreign locales.
One of the unexpected highlights was being able to catch up with Tony Hawk, who I also hadn't seen since Bowlarama in Bondi, 2014. I'm not sure he remembered me but it was good to have a chat with him again and hopefully it's not another 4 years before seeing him again.
All the Swisse content will be up on the website under the branded content section very soon but you can also check it out on the Swisse Instagram page. I'll be editing together a short doco on the whole experience in the coming months and will post when that becomes available. Tokyo 2020?! I'd love to be there with the AOT again!